Braşov (România)

Click on the map for more informations about the city

Click on the map for more informations about the city

Braşov (Hungarian: Brassó; German: Kronstadt; Medieval Latin: Brassovia or Corona; 1950-1960: Oraşul Stalin) is a city in Romania and the capital of Braşov County, with a population of 284,596, according to the 2002 census, is the 8th largest Romanian city.

Braşov is located in the central part of the country, about 166 km from Bucharest. It is surrounded by the Southern Carpathians, and is part of the Transylvania region.

The city is notable for hosting the Golden Stag (Cerbul de Aur) international music festival.

Source: Wikipedia

In the centre...

In the centre...

A nice green view

A nice green view

A street which lead to the Old centre

A street which lead to the Old centre

The Hollywood-like sign on top of Mt. Tâmpa

The Hollywood-like sign on top of Mt. Tâmpa

An old building near to the Council Square (Piaţa Sfatului)

An old building near to the Council Square (Piaţa Sfatului)

Council Square (Piaţa Sfatului) where Golden Stag (Cerbul de Aur) festival will take place

Council Square (Piaţa Sfatului) where Golden Stag (Cerbul de Aur) festival will take place

Tâmpa Mountain from Braşov Council Square (Piaţa Sfatului)

Tâmpa Mountain from Braşov Council Square (Piaţa Sfatului)

The house were Joseph II and Francis I live (Holy Roman Emperors)

The house were Joseph II and Francis I live (Holy Roman Emperors)

Casa Sfatului ("The mayor's former office building"). Here was the administration from Braşov for more than 500 years.

Casa Sfatului ("The mayor's former office building"). Here was the administration from Braşov for more than 500 years.

Biserica Neagră or Black Church (German: Schwarze Kirche; Romanian: Biserica Neagră; Hungarian: Fekete templom)

Biserica Neagră or Black Church (German: Schwarze Kirche; Romanian: Biserica Neagră; Hungarian: Fekete templom)

Bell tower

Bell tower

Johannes Honter

Johannes Honter was a Siebenbuerger Saxon (Saxon humanist and theologian. Honter is best known for his geographic and cartographic publishing activity, as well as for implementing the Lutheran reform in Transylvania.

One of the lateral entrance to the church

One of the lateral entrance to the church

Small statues outside of church

Small statues outside of church

True Gothic style...

True Gothic style...

Other sculptures

Other sculptures

Social Democratic Party in right place :)

Social Democratic Party in right place 🙂

Other photo from the Braşov Main Square "Council Square" (Piaţa Sfatului)

Other photo from the Braşov Main Square "Council Square" (Piaţa Sfatului)

In the same building is History Museum of the city

In the same building is History Museum of the city

Romanian Orthodox Cathedral ("Adormirea Maicii Domnului")

Romanian Orthodox Cathedral ("Adormirea Maicii Domnului")