Comrat (Moldova)

Comrat (Romanian: Comrat; Gagauz: Komrat; Russian: Комрат / Komrat) is a city in Moldova and the capital of the autonomous region of Găgăuzia.

It is located in the south of the country, on the Ialpug River.



Găgăuzia in Basarabia (Click on the map)


In 2004, Comrat’s population was 23,429, of which the vast majority are Gagauzians.

Gagauzia (Gagauz: Gagauziya or Gagauz-Yeri; Romanian: Găgăuzia; Russian: Гагаузия), formally known as the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Găgăuzia (Gagauz Yeri) (Gagauz: Avtonom Territorial Bölümlüü Gagauz Yeri, Romanian: Unitatea Teritorială Autonomă Găgăuzia, Russian: Автономное территориальное образование Гагаузия / Avtonomnoye territorial’noye obrazobaniye), is an autonomous region of Moldova.

The Gagauz people are a small Turkish-speaking ethnic group living mostly in southern Moldova (Gagauzia), southwestern Ukraine (Budjak-southern Basarabia) and north-eastern Bulgaria (Dobruja).

Unlike most other Turkic-speaking peoples, the Gagauzians are predominantly Orthodox Christians.

There is a related ethnic group also called Gagavuz (or Gajal) living in the European part of northwestern Turkey.

Regions with significant populations:

Moldova 147,500
Ukraine 31,900
Greece 30,000
Turkey 15,000
Russia 12,200
Bulgaria 540
Romania 3,000
Kazakhstan 700

Source: Wikipedia

Travel Journal

„…Wishing to visit Gagauzia, we decided, in a rainy vernal morning to have a flying visit to Comrat.

Arriving at the South Station from Chisinau, after we paid 34 lei/person (2.2 euros) for ticket, we took in hurry a minibus with destination Chisinau-Taraclia.

The first thing we have noticed in South was that Moldova has bad roads, it was impossible to stay calm in the bus.

On the way, we remarked that on both sides of the driveway there were a lot of vineyards.

After one and half hours the driver stopped in a very small station, with few buses-we arrived in Comrat.

At the beginning, the city appeared to be uninhabited and old, we saw few people walking on the streets.

After a little walk in the town, we discovered some little shops, which seemed to be forsaken and we found a market place.

We decided to see what are the prices and what do the gagauzians buy from there.

We must confess, even the sellers were fairly polite, we felt a bit uncomfortable because of the people who didn’t stop staring at us. It was strange to see how while you were buying hot peppers you were surrounded by people who were quite smiling at you.

Another thing we have noticed was the big number of pariah dogs which were following you till you didn’t drive them away. Having a walk on the streets of Comrat we saw a lot of old houses and buildings, remained from USSR period.

If you want to ask someone from there about something, we think you should know more languages. Gagauzian people have a strange way of speaking: they use two languages (gagauzian and russian ) at the same time, so it’s difficult to understand them.

After we passed a whole day in Comrat, searching for a place to eat, we came back to the station to take the bus. For this time we paid 36 lei (2.35 euros) for the ticket and we took the last places from a bus.

It was a very old bus, with broken chairs which were moving at the simple flick.

In more than one and half hours we were in Chisinau, tired but pleased that we had seen something different from the usual-an interesting and strange city, Comrat…”


Picture 106

A small street from Comrat



Picture 100

State University from Comrat (Main building)



Picture 099

Galatsana street near University



Picture 097

State University from Comrat (A "luxury" building for a city with 23.429 people)



Picture 095

Assembly of Gagauz-Yeri (Găgăuzia)



Picture 093

Moldavian and Gagauzian flags on the Assembly of Găgăuzia



Picture 1099

(Moldavian Bank in Comrat) Moldova Agroindbank



Picture 107

Periphery street



Picture 103

City Hall



Picture 089

Small blocks



Picture 086

Big blocks in soviet style



Picture 084

An old communist building



Picture 080

Other soviet blocks



Picture 077

Communist blocks



Picture 074

One of the best highschools from Comrat



Picture 072

Music school



Picture 070

Orthodox church (gagauz people are Orthodox)



Picture 069

Just a street...



Picture 068

University of Comrat



Picture 063

I think this is their cultural house



Picture 060




Picture 071

Marshutka "маршрутное такси" (маршрутка)



Picture 057

People's Assembly



Picture 055

Near to the market



Picture 053




Picture 052

Car plate from Comrat (GE is for Gagauz Eri)



Picture 050

Old stuffs in bazaar



Picture 046

A commercial center near to the bazaar



Picture 044

Fruits on the street



Picture 042

One of the entrance to bazaar



Picture 041

Publicity panel



Picture 040

A nice house



Picture 038

Gagauzian food 🙂



Picture 037

Building in construction



Picture 036

Near to the bus station (avtovokzal)



Picture 035

New building




Toilet in russian








Lenin street




Inside of Cultural House..i think...




In the center




An orchestra singing inside of Cultural House




The same statue with Lenin




Gagauzian Disneyland 😀




Orthodox church




Gagauzian girl 😛




The street near to the bazaar




A nice dog 😛




Gagauzian beggar "you have any change?" 😦




In bazaar... (all gagauzians looks at me when i made this photo) weird...




Gagauzian faces 🙂








Gagauzian vane



Picture 081

Pharmacy (Apteka in Russian)



Picture 083

Court of Justice from Comrat



Picture 078

Other typical red blocks...



12 răspunsuri la „Comrat (Moldova)

  1. Дизайн у Вас интересный, я вот тоже для блога искал – стала прикручивать, а все посты куда то делись. Эээх… буду писать заново

    • Спасибо за комплимент, желаем тебе удачи 🙂
      Не хотели ли бы вы менятся линком, чтобы вы нас добавили у себя в контакте?

  2. А почему все фото сделанны в пасмурную погоду, да ещё и зимой? Грустные они все какие-то! Если хотите могу прислать вам фотки Комрата посимпатичней 😉
    P.S. А с дохлой кошкой это вы, конечно, погорячились :((

    • там весь город,вся жизни грустная.В Комрате просто все первобытное,и люди,и город,и вся картина.

  3. Ремонт и отделка офисов, квартир или дач – это самая распространенная на сегодняшний день проблема большинства людей, решившихся, наконец, привести в порядок свое жилище. Мало того, что ремонт – это занятие трудоемкое и напряженное, еще и найти достойную компанию, занимающуюся отделкой квартир или офисов сегодня практически невозможно. Дело в том, что все меньше и меньше в нашей стране остается фирм, делающих свою работу качественно, эффективно и недорого.Однако наша компания является приятным исключением из этого неприятного правила. Мы вот уже долгое время занимается отделкой и ремонтом квартир и в г. Зеленоград и еще ни разу нам не приходило от наших клиентов ни неприятных отзывов, ни каких-либо жалоб. Богатый опыт наших специалистов, а также высокий профессионализм всех без исключения наших работников, поможет сделать хорошо, качественно и – главное – доступно как косметический, так и капитальный ремонт. Современное оборудование, новые технологии планировки и дизайна, а также индивидуальный подход к каждому клиенту и гибкая система скидок сделали нашу компанию самой успешной на сегодня фирмой, оказывающей услуги по ремонту и отделке квартир и офисов в г. Зеленоград. Список услуг: ремонт квартир ремонт квартир в Москве ремонт квартир в Московской области косметический ремонт квартир капитальный ремонт квартир евроремонт кватрир ремонт магазинов ремонт ресторатов ремонт офисных помещений отделка квартир ремонт ресторанов ремонт квартир под ключ строительство коттеджей VIP ремонт квартир отделка квартир в новых домах

  4. Your pictures are very interesting. This so-called ”Gagauz autonomous territorial unit” really deserves a tour.I think I’ll ride through southern Bessarabia next Spring. Greetings from Sibiu – a town in central Romania!

    • Merci,e foarte interesant sa mergi la ei,au o societate foarte ciudata dpdv al firii oamenilor,obiceiurilor si limbii (vb o rusa stricata,cu accent turcic).Salutari din Bucuresti!:)

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